Call for enrolment for undergraduate degree study programmes of the Faculty of Sport University of Ljubljana (entry requirements and required documentation for each study programme): Kinesiology, Physical education, Sports training (in Slovene language)
The application for enrolment into the first year of bachelor’s degree programmes of the Faculty of Sport University of Ljubljana:
- between 18 February - 18 March 2025 applicants apply for enrolment by submitting an electronic application form.
Tests of ability, capacity and skills will be held 26 and 27 June 2025 at Faculty of Sport, Gortanova 22, 1000 Ljubljana.
Information day at Faculty of Sport:
- On 14 and 15 February 2025 the information days for bachelor’s degree programmes Kinesiology, Physical education and Sports trainingh will take place at the Faculty of Sport, Gortanova 22, 1000 Ljubljana (in Slovene language) - more info
Study at University of Ljubljana, Fakulty of Sport - brochure (about study programmes of the Faculty of Sport in English)
General information on application and admission procedure for enrolment for citizens of non-EU countries:
- Call for enrolment into Bachelor and Single-cycle master degree programmes 2025/2026 (in Slovene language)
- Vabilo na dogodke in spletne predstavitve o študiju, vpisu, priznavanju tujih srednješolskih spričeval idr.: Vabilo / Invitation (v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku)
- Upcoming events for prospective students: online information days (in English)
- Citizens of non-EU countries who have completed secondary education abroad: application and admission procedure, contacts ... (in English)
- Informacije o prijavi in priznavanju spričeval za državljane držav nečlanic Evropske unije: Državljani držav nečlanic EU s srednjo šolo v tujini | Univerza v Ljubljani (v slovenskem jeziku)
- Informacije o študiju v Sloveniji, na Univerzi v Ljubljani, in vpisu na 1. stopnjo za tuje študente: International students | University of Ljubljana (in English)